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I was so embarrassed that I was speechless and could only sob out my pathetic regrets. Eventually, she took off her shoes because she was on her feet all day and Alfie sprung over to rub them just like he always did. I half expected her to kick him as hard as she could but she just gave her feet up to him and we both knew she was accepting of the new relationship. That certainly made me feel a whole lot better because I was not the type of person that took pleasure in hiding stuff and being sneaky about my love-life.I found out that I wasn't off the hook entirely because mom told me to go into the bedroom and lay face down on her bed. I knew that usually preceded a good ass licking and I figured it would be to teach me a lesson about messing with her bed partner. I followed orders of course because at heart I am basically an obedient girl even if I am a bit hot-blooded when it comes to cock.My face was hidden in the embroidered pillow when I heard them both come in the door. I. If I got an answer, would it be favorable? Would it be making fun of an old mans dreams? Would it be an angry letter, irate at presuming way too much on my part? What if? The letter finished, I put it in an envelope, held it for a few more days, wondering what the repercussions would be and sent it off. Now the wait began. I think I could be a great underwater swimmer as I’ve been holding my breath for over a week now. I’ve been trying to keep busy on several projects, but my thoughts eventually get back to Betty and her reactions when she gets my letter. The doorbell rang a little while ago. It was the postal person with a special delivery letter. My brain shut down for a moment but I came to enough to sign for the letter, then went inside and shakily opened it. To quote her,’ Just so you know, the flame never died and has burned more brightly since my surprise visit. Never once in all these years have I doubted the decision not to let anyone know about my infatuation. While you.
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